
POP3 Email Account - Microsoft Outlook

This section describes the steps in configuring your Microsoft Outlook Email Client. Please make sure you've already added a new email account through your Cpanel and saved the user name and password.

1. Open Microsoft Outlook

There are a variety of ways to open your Outlook. In this illustration we will use the procedure that works on all Windows operating systems.

  1. Click the Start button
  2. Point to All Programs
  3. Click Microsoft Outlook

(The three steps above are shown in the image to the right:)

2. Setup your email account

  1. Select Tools > Email Accounts

(Step 2 is shown below:)


3. Email Accounts - Wizard

On the E-mail Accounts wizard window, choose "Add a new e-mail account" and click Next. 

3. Email Accounts - Server Type

For the "Server Type", you'll want to select POP3. This will allow you to download your email from most email clients and mobile devices. 

3. Internet Email Settings for POP3

It's important that you fill out the information below correctly; The most common mistake in setting up your email is entering incorrect information in the the boxes below. In the example below, we will use

Your Name: Joe Smith (This should be your name or company name) 
E-mail Address: (This should be your email address)

Incoming mail server (POP3): (Replace with your domain name in between mail. and .com) 
Outgoing mail server (SMTP): (Replace with your domain name in between mail. and .com)

User Name: (Same as your email)
Password: XXXXXXX (This will be the password you created through your control panel)

Lastly, click "Test Account Settings" to make sure you can receive and deliver mail. You may also want check the box "Remember Password"; this will prevent having to repeatedly enter your user name and password.